Effect of Recruitment Techniques on Job Performance and Productivity of Corporate Organisation


  • Eyamba, Patrick Ekpenyong
  • Okon, Mfon Sunday


Human resource has been of significant development in the field of organization as one
cannot exaggerate its importance of humans to an organization as they can make or break a
company's reputation, which in turn adversely affect job performance and productivity of
corporate organisation. The aim of this research paper is to determine the effect of recruitment
technique on job performance and productivity of corporate organisation. Using qualitative
research methods, a onetime survey was conducted was conducted on selected corporate
organisation in Nigeria. Primary data was analysed using regression analysis and descriptive
statistical techniques with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The findings of
this study revealed that face to face interview does not have significant effect on job performance
and productivity; that behaviour interview does not have significant effect on job performance and
productivity. It was also revealed that panel interview have significant effect on job performance
and productivity. Finally, it was found that portfolio based interview have significant effect on job
performance and productivity. Based on the findings, it was recommended that employers of
labour in Nigeria workplace be it public or private should ensure cautious human resources
decision on recruitment and selection process to enhance organizational success




How to Cite

Eyamba, P. E., & Okon, M. S. (2021). Effect of Recruitment Techniques on Job Performance and Productivity of Corporate Organisation. BW Academic Journal. Retrieved from https://bwjournal.org/index.php/bsjournal/article/view/537



