Inclusive decision-making, employee performance, work quality, innovativenessAbstract
The study examined the relationship between inclusive decision-making and employee job performance in Federal Universities in South-South, Nigeria. The objective of the study was to empirically unravel how inclusive decision-making interacts with employee job performance in terms of work quality and innovativeness in Federal Universities in South-South, Nigeria. The explanatory cross-sectional research design was adopted. A sample of 348 respondents was drawn from a population of 2659 senior staff of six Federal Universities in South-South, Nigeria using Taro Yamene formula. In furtherance of the sampling process, A combination of Bowley’s formula and random sampling techniques were employed. Structured questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. The instrument was validated by the project supervisors and another expert in Office and Information Management. Cronbach Alpha was used to ascertain the reliability of the instrument. The administration of the instrument was done using Google form shared using email and social media contacts. Out of 348 copies of the questionnaire administered, 208 copies were retrieved. The primary data obtained from the field were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation for the bivariate analysis. The analysis of data revealed that inclusive decision-making has significant positive relationship with employee job performance in terms of work quality, and innovativeness in Federal Universities in South-South, Nigeria. It was concluded that inclusive decision-making optimizes employee job performance in Federal Universities in South-South, Nigeria. It was recommended amongst others that Vice Chancellors and other administrative heads should endeavour to be more inclusive and transparent in their decision making and communication efforts.