The 21st century has emerged with innovations and creativity in all human perspective. Today, there are ideologies that have shaped the thinking and behaviour of man. These include concepts such as Climate Change, Information and Communication Technology, Global Warming, and Globalization among others. The term globalization has become a house hold name due to its implications in politics, economy, education and other aspects of human interactions. As Oleforo (2013) submits further, globalization has gained so much currency that one begins to wonder if it could be amenable to any one acceptable definition by scholars. This may be arguable, according to Oleforo, to the fact that globalization is a malleable term that finds application in almost all disciplines, including education. Globalization is a powerful aspect of the new world system and it has been a celebration concept since the turn of 21st century (Lawani, et al. 2013). These scholars are of the position that globalization represents one of the most influential forces in determining the future course of the planet. It has manifold dimensions, economic, security, environmental, health, cultural, and others but dumbly understood. It affects all aspect of life universally and also applied to all human discipline. To this end, Egwuasi and Imoh-Ita (2014), averred that globalization is a worldwide phenomenon that has come to stay, connecting individuals, groups, institutions and countries, thus making them a global unit. It is against this premise that it is imperative to attempt some definitions of globalization especially as related to education.