Internet of Things and Innovation Agility in Telecommunication Companies in Nigeria


  • Jemima Ogechukwuka Irabor-Ighedosa
  • Dr. Dumo Nkesi Opara


Internet of Things, Innovation, Agility, Telecommunication


This study investigated the relationship between internet of things and innovation agility. The study was carried out in telecommunication firms in Nigeria.. Survey design was adopted in the generation of data.  The instrument for data collection used in this study was the questionnaire. The target population of the study comprised the three hundred and sixty (360) employees in four telecommunications companies. From the population, using Krejcie and Morgan sample determination table a sample size of one hundred and eighty-six (186) respondents was used for the study.  Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, and percentages) were used as statistical tools for analyzing the data, while Spearman Rank Order Correlation was used as statistical tools to test the hypotheses with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Findings revealed that there is positive relationship between internet of things and innovation agility.  Hence the study concludes that hike in internet of thins improves the agility of telecommunication companies. Therefore, among other recommendations, the study strongly suggests that telecommunication firms greatly build a strong organizational culture in order to adapt to emerging change brought about by the adoption of internet of things




How to Cite

Ogechukwuka Irabor-Ighedosa, J., & Nkesi Opara, D. D. . . (2023). Internet of Things and Innovation Agility in Telecommunication Companies in Nigeria . BW Academic Journal, 10. Retrieved from